“Country life. Masterpieces from the Mellon Collection”
Musée de la chasse et de la nature
Exhibition dates
4th September - 2nd December 2018
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“Country life. Masterpieces from the Mellon Collection” MUSÉE DE LA CHASSE ET DE LA NATURE, PARIS
Bunny (1910-2014) and Paul Mellon (1907-1999) were incredible collectors. Coming from a family of philanthropists and heirs of an immense fortune, they devote an important part of their lives to art and museums. They have created one of the most prestigious art collections in the United States. The Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature presents for the first time in France the works donated to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts dedicated to Sporting Art (horse racing, hunting), leisure and outdoor life scenes. From British art to post-impressionism, from Géricault to Delacroix, from Stubbs to Degas, not forgetting the landscapes of Monet, Caillebotte or Seura, the exhibition reveals the collectors remarkable interest for Anglomania and impressionist painting.